Friday, September 4, 2009

My Favorite Hue is Jay-Z Blue.

Next person to ask me if I've listed to Blueprint 3 yet, will be getting the side eye! Don't even think about asking if I've downloaded it, you will be getting decked in the mouth. Back in '99, my BET/MTV brainwashing commenced. That was quality TV back then. EVERYONE loved Carson Daily's awkwardness on TRL. & who could forget Big AL from Hits From The Street. Moo Sa Moo (if you know what I'm talking about right there, pat yourself on the back). At 4 o'clock, couldn't noooobody touch the remote when Rap City came on. Music videos were the main element to my life then. I digress. This post is supposed to be about Jay. Anyways, one particular video changed my life. BIG PIMPIN'. Yeah, I'm aware about 88% of that vid was pure TNA (titties&ass), but I wasn't looking at that. I was peepin' you, Hovi Baby! I guess this explains my attraction to all the ugly boys with a strrrrrrong ass demeanor. Ay yi yi, I digress one moe 'gin! Lemme just finish in laymen's terms: Jay-Z = G.O.A.T. I'm using all my willpower to stay away from the Blueprint 3 until 9/11. So do me a favor and spare me by not putting ANY BP3 quotes in your aways, Facebook statues, or Twitters. Thanks. Oh, and I came about 3 times watching this commercial (below) he did for Rhapsody. I'm kidding. No I'm not.